Recursive types
data NatList = Nil | Cons Nat NatList
NatList = µX. <nil:Unit, cons:{Nat, X}>
Stream = µA. Unit -> {Nat, A}
;Process = µA. Nat -> {Nat, A}
takes current state as input.ClassWithSelf = µSelf. {get:Nat, inc:Unit -> Self}
; defn withfix
- Well-typed (but diverging)
What’s the relationship between NatList
and <nil:Unit, cons:{Nat, NatList}>
- Equi-recursive: definitionally equal. Conceptually simpler but bounded quantification and type operators are undecidable.
- Iso-recursive: isomorphic, but requires
fold [T]
(<...> -> T
) andunfold [T]
(NatList -> <...>
withX -> T
) operators. Can be inferred in practice, as it is in ML.
See TAPL §20, 2024-07-03 • denotational semantics and fancy types.
Type inference
Does there exist a type substitution
Our core algorithm has two parts.
- Constraint-based typing: during type-checking collect constraints on “these types must be equal” and only solve this after.
: has type whenever the constraint set is satisfied. is set of type variables introduced in rule, used to avoid overlapping variables. - e.g.,
- Unification: an algorithm to solve constraints by finding principal unifier.
- Principal unifier = valid type substitution that makes the least amount of assumptions possible. All other substitutions can be recovered from this one by adding more stuff.
is trivial. or adds the substitution , requires unifying and . - Anything else = fail.
- The principal type of a term is the type of a term under the principal unifier.
- A type with variables is a type scheme (aka polytype), representing structure of type wrt universally quantified holes.
- Do this to avoid type-checking entire type of let-bound variables on every occurrence.
Common pitfalls:
- Make sure you type-check unused let-bindings!
- Let-polymorphism: let bindings can have polymorphic (i.e., generic) types, instantiated with specific types at each use site.
- The naive way to do this with our constraint setup doesn't check binding type:
- Modify to ensure we type-check the binding, even if it isn't used:
- Let bindings and side effects can fuck things up
- Since we infer the most general type for a let binding, every use might instantiate it differently.
- ==Instantiating a read and write of
with different types is fucked== - Value restriction:
-binding is only polymorphic if not binding to aref
See TAPL §22, 2024-07-03 • denotational semantics and fancy types, semantic analysis.
Generics (parametric polymorphism) with System F
System F introduces universally quantified types
- Above is type-passing semantics; we can also have type-erasure semantics: erase types, then evaluate
- Results in different semantics:
let f = (λX. error) in 0; != let f = error in 0;
- Results in different semantics:
- Polymorphism restricts definition:
yields one possible function. - A definition is impredicative if quantified variable could also include itself.
; maybe !
See TAPL §23, 2024-07-03 • denotational semantics and fancy types, semantic analysis.
- In general, type inference is undecidable with full System F.
- You can solve this by limiting where polymorphism happens (let-polymorphism, rank-2 polymorphism means no
- You can solve this by limiting where polymorphism happens (let-polymorphism, rank-2 polymorphism means no
- Hindley-Milner type systems give you both quantification and inference by enforcing let-polymorphism.
- Let-bindings are always polytypes with universal quantification.
- Polytypes are stored as type schemes, with holes where quantified variables go.
- Expressions are monotypes with no quantification.
- Upon use, a polytyped expression has its holes replaced with fresh type vars.
- When bound, a monotyped expression has its type inferred, then type variables are replaced with holes.
- Let-bindings are always polytypes with universal quantification.
See Instantiation and generalization, TAPL §22.
See TAPL §24.
Dependent types
- Types can depend on values:
- Additionally, we have kinds, the type of types. Type families:
- lambdas introduce pi types.
- Additionally, we have kinds, the type of types. Type families:
- Since types can be evaluated now, we need equivalence
- Definitional equality: only include basic equalities that are obvious.
- To actually implement this, convert to weak-head normal form (only beta-reduce head), check equivalence on WHNFs.
- A dependent sum type
generalizes ordinary product types: can appear in . - In Curry-Howard, dependent types get us from constructive, intuitionistic, or propositional logic to first-order logic, which has universal quantification.
- A proof of
has type
- A proof of
Calculus of constructions
Introduce functions from types to types. We have Nat
s, and
We introduce all x:T. t
This is a pretty low-level representation of things. The calculus of inductive constructions gives us inductive (algebraic) data types.
Lambda cube
Three axes:
- Terms to types (type families)
- Types to terms (polymorphism)
- Types to types (type operators)
Link to original
System Term to term Type families Polymorphism Type operators ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
A pure type system is a structure for doing typing of STLC-based languages with different kinds of abstractions. In a PTS, we have two sorts: proper types
See 2024-07-24 • dependent & effect types (ATAPL 2: Dependent types).
Effect types
means “Under , evaluating produces effect , yielding a value.” - Effect types:
. Lazy language: “evaluating this produces .”
- Effect types:
- Example: region-based memory management
- Allocate values into different regions/arenas.
is set of regions that are accessed. Typing produces constraints on . - Introduction:
- Elimination:
- Lexically scoped regions aren't visible outside scope:
To achieve deallocation of lexically scoped regions:
- $\bullet$ is deallocated region.
- We can add effect polymorphism too. Allows us to not lock in specific selection of
for functions like map
- Can do region inference, generalizing as much as possible, building type tree, adding lexically scoped regions to remove them from
from the outside world.
See 2024-07-24 • dependent & effect types (ATAPL 3: Effect types and region-based memory management).