This note collects a number of resources on SAT and SMT solving, particularly as used for program synthesis.

See also

The Wikipedia pages for SAT and SMT.

What is SAT and SMT?

See also

A SAT solver is a program that solves the Boolean satisfiability problem. Basically, given a formula on Boolean variables, can we find an assignment for those variables such that the formula returns true? This problem is NP-complete.

A formula is satisfiable if there exists inputs to make the formula true. It is valid if all inputs make it true.

In satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), we augment SAT with theories, which tell us how symbols—including literals, variables, functions, and predicates—should be interpreted. Thus, they are interpretations that map symbols to elements in a domain (i.e., a universe), uninterpreted functions to functions within that universe, and uninterpreted predicates to predicates on universe elements.

What kinds of logics can SMT handle?

The 294 notes claim that SMT solvers can handle first-order logic. The Wikipedia page for it claims that first-order logic includes quantifiers, as does ATAPL 2: Dependent types.

However, in practice SMT solvers need some modifying to get quantifiers. They’re probably closer to propositional logic in that case (as described in the ATAPL 2 notes).

Ground formula

A ground formula is a formula that doesn’t contain any free variables (though it can contain uninterpreted functions/predicates). If we’re trying to solve for some variables with our solver, we consider those variables not as variables, but as constants (of unknown value).

Different theories

  • Equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF): only equality. Decidable in polynomial time with congruence closure: build DAG with edges for function calls and dotted edges for equivalences.
  • Arithmetic: Presburger arithmetic (nats with add, not multiply; i.e., linear integer arithmetic (LIA)) is decidable. Multiplication isn’t.
  • Arrays: read and write operations that obey certain axioms. NP-complete, but works well in practice. Used to model arrays and memory
  • Fixed-width bit-vectors: NP-complete.
  • Inductive data types: e.g., List = Cons | Nil. Decidable if you only have one constructor, NP-complete in the general case.

You might choose different theories if you want decidability guarantees. In general, more complex theories lose you performance.

More precisely, the signature of a theory is the set of predicate and function symbols of the theory. Note that 0-arity functions are constants. A model gives meaning to this signature, mapping constants to items in the universe, and functions and predicates appropriately.

When we colloquially talk about “theories” and “models,” we do some mixing of terms here. The colloquial “theory” contains some parts of the model: a definition for , for example. When we talk about “finding a model,” normally we mean finding the values for constants in a model.

Combining theories

See also

Referencing Satisfiability Modulo Theories §12.6.

When doing complex software verification—where each datatype might be modeled by a separate theory—we might want to modularly combine a number of theories.

In general, you can’t do this, since individual satisfiable theories might combine to become unsatisfiable. But, you can restrict the theories and their combinations in such a way to make this possible!

Basically, let’s say you have two theories and . Each of these has symbols and . The idea is that if we have a formula containing a mix of and stuff, we want to purify this formula, turning it into the pure formula , where only contains symbols from and a new constant universe (which we use to facilitate communication between the two theories), and contains symbols from .

The purification process basically says: if we’re trying to build and we see some subterm that should be in , we replace that subterm with a constant in and add an equation to .

Then, for all constants in both and , we randomly guess if each pair of those constants is equal or not. This is called an arrangement, denoted , where is the equivalence relation we’re guessing. To actually try solving, pass in to each solver .

This setup is sound (no false positives) and complete (no false negatives) under the following conditions:

  • The theories are signature-disjoint: their set of predicate and function symbols are non-overlapping. Remember that function symbols can include 0-arity functions, i.e., constants!
  • The theories are both stably infinite: every satisfiable ground formula is satisfiable in a model of the theory with an infinite universe.
    • If this isn’t the case, there is loss of generality when considering only infinite models.
    • This restriction can be lifted when using sorted (i.e., typed) logic and communicating cardinality constraints on other types?


There’s a lot more about implementing this; I haven’t looked at that.

How does an SMT solver work?

See also

Broadly, there are two approaches to SMT solving:

  • Eager approaches: translate the formula to an equisatisfiable (only SAT if the original is SAT, even if they have different models) Boolean formula in a single step, then solve that.
    • Translations are theory-specific.
    • For e.g., the combined theories of equality & linear integer arithmetic (LIA), lambdas are inlined and applied, function applications are turned into constants with extra constraints on functional consistency (i.e., ).
      • There are other ways of transforming certain kinds of linear constraints.
  • Lazy approaches: augment SAT solvers with decision procedures for first-order theories. e.g., CVC5, Z3.


There’s more on implementation here that I haven’t really touched on.

Use cases

Different problems in programming can be reframed as SMT solver problems!