We examine Java and HotSpot—the Java VM—as examples of runtime optimizations.

The Java Virtual Machine

  • The Java compiler compiles Java to JVM bytecode. Why?
    • Portability benefits
  • It’s a stack machine to avoid depending on register count
    • JIT/HotSpot translates this to use registers

HotSpot VM

This is implemented as a JIT compiler: bytecode is compiled to native CPU code at runtime based on if it’s called enough to justify the compilation cost for runtime gain. JIT-compiled code can also be cached (as Julia does!)

Locals are faster than instance variables: prefer int localWidth = piece.getWidth() and using localWidth versus calling piece.getWidth(), since this encourages the JIT compiler to pull the value into a native register, rather than read/write to a place in memory.

In general, the JIT can aggressively rewrite code. We want to encourage it to do good memory-touching patterns


The VM also makes heavy use of inlining—pasting called code into caller code. This enables lots of other optimizations:

  • We don’t need to pass parameters, so long-living values can stay in one register for the whole computation, saving on memory (traffic)
    • i.e., preventing register spilling
  • Propagation of analysis
    • Let’s say fn A is doing a for loop with index i into array a, and calls fn C, which indexes into a
    • Normally, in C, we would need to do a bounds check
    • But once we inline, we can remove that bouunds check!
    • Similar applies for: checking if a pointer is null, checking instanceof on a pointer.