This note serves as both an index note for parsing-related Prelim study notes, as well as a resource on parsing in general.
The parsing pipeline
See also
Starting to incorporate Dragon §4 and CS 164 notes on parsing.
When we get our source program, we first perform lexing or tokenization: turning the source text into a flat list of tokens. The parser then turns these tokens into a parse tree. Don’t confuse a parse tree with an AST though! A parse tree is literally the tree from parsing. For example, for a grammar for math expressions with non-terminal
E -- 3
+- +
\- E -- 3
+- -
\- 2
whereas for the AST, we’re not concerned with actually representing syntax (hence the abstract):
+ -- 3
\- - -- 3
\- 2
See also
Types of formal grammars
See also
A formal grammar
is a set of nonterminal symbols. is a set of terminal symbols. is a set of production rules, each of the form: - A production rule maps at least one nonterminal, and potentially other (non)terminals, to a new set of (non)terminals.
is a distinguished start symbol.
There’s a hierarchy (Chomsky hierarchy) of grammars, scaling from more expressivity to more computability:
- In context-free grammars (type 2), we only have a single non-terminal on the left-hand side. We don’t need context to apply a rule; we only need to see a single symbol. Can be parsed with a non-deterministic pushdown automaton—a state machine with a stack. LL, LR parsing.
- In regular grammars (type 3), our rules can only be empty, terminal, or terminal followed by nonterminal. Can be parsed in
time with a finite-state machine. Regexes are supposed to (but don’t always, with extensions) correspond to this.
The other types of grammars are less computationally tractable.
- In context-sensitive grammars (type 1), our rules must be in the form:
, where is a non-terminal and everything else is a string of symbols. We need a bounded Turing machine, where the tap is limited to the input plus two end-markers on either side. - In a recursively enumerable grammar (type 0), there are no guarantees on rules. Only a Turing machine can parse this.
The point of a grammar is that we can automatically construct efficient parsers from these grammars.
Leftmost and rightmost derivations
See also
Dragon §4.2.3
If we treat our production rules as rewrite rules, we can produce a derivation, rewriting from the start symbol to the expression we want to parse using these rewrite rules. For instance, given this grammar:
E = E + E | E * E | -E | (E) | id
We can get a derivation for the term
This derivation corresponds to the following parse-tree:
+- -
\- E
+- (
+- E
| |
| \- id
\- )
At each point in our derivation, we have to make two choices: which nonterminal do we replace, and which production do we use involving that nonterminal? For the first question, there are two main strategies:
- Leftmost derivation: always replace the leftmost non-terminal.
- Rightmost derivation: always replace the rightmost non-terminal.
Recursive rules
Complex grammars often contain recursive rules. For instance, in arithmetic expressions, we have rules like
- A rule is left recursive if it’s of the form
(using the same conventions for non-terminals and strings as above). - A rule is right recursive if it’s of the form
. is both!
We can convert left recursive rules into right recursive rules as follows. A left recursive grammar
…is equivalent to the following right recursive grammar:
The original rule is basically saying ”
Parsing algorithm features
There are a number of features that a parsing algorithm can have. One such feature is the direction that it reads its input in. Almost all common parsing algorithms read our input left-to-right.
Top-down vs. bottom-up
See also
Dragon §4.3, 4.4;
Additionally, a parsing algorithm can construct a parse tree in one of two directions. We can either go top-down, constructing the tree from the root to its leaves, or we can go bottom-up, constructing the tree from its leaves back up to the root. Let’s go through that in detail.
In general, in a top-down parser, we create our parse tree by applying production rules to our starting symbol (predict), and incrementally matching against the start of our input (match). Because we’re trying to match against the start of our input, this results in a leftmost derivation. For instance, let’s say we see this input:
4 + 2 - 4
A top-down parser might step in the following way:
action | production | input |
4 + 2 - 4 | ||
Predict | 4 + 2 - 4 | |
Predict | 4 + 2 - 4 | |
Predict | 4 + 2 - 4 | |
Match | + 2 - 4 | |
etc. |
Notice that we produce leftmost derivations since we’re trying to get to terminal symbols on the left-hand side ASAP so we can match against our input. Additionally, note that the algorithm has to predict what nonterminal rule to apply. The algorithm makes this prediction based on some number
You can also add backtracking to a parser to allow it to fuck up and then go back and try another production rule. However, naïve backtracking parsers are exponential, whereas non-backtracing (i.e., predictive) parsers are linear, although there are ways of making backtracking non-exponential. See Packrat parsing.
One major downside with top-down parsing approaches is that they can’t handle left recursive grammars! Consider the following left recursive grammar that recognizes a list of b
A = A b | ""
In order to start matching, we have to predict
By contrast, bottom-up parsing can handle both left- and right-recursive grammars. In a bottom-up parser, we maintain a working stack onto which we shift our input. We can then reduce elements on the (top of) stack using our production rules. Thus, we slowly build up more complex non-terminals starting from our terminals, thus the “bottom-up” part.
A helpful diagram of a bottom-up parse from the Dragon book
(p. 234)
Note that a reduction step is the reverse of a derivation step. In a derivation step, we go from nonterminal to terminal. Here, we start from the terminal and go backwards to a nonterminal, meaning we’re doing a reverse derivation.
For the expression
action | stack (right is top) | input |
id1 * id2 | ||
Shift | id1 | * id2 |
Reduce | F | * id2 |
Reduce | T | * id2 |
Shift | T * | id2 |
Shift | T * id2 | |
Reduce | T * F | |
Reduce | T | |
Reduce | E | |
accept |
Notice that if you read this table in reverse order, you can see our derivation of the input. Additionally, since the rightmost terminals are pushed and reduced last, when reading in reverse/derivation order, they’re derived first. They appear as literals first in reverse order. Thus, bottom-up parsing results in a reverse rightmost derivation!
Keep in mind that in order to figure out what production rule to use for reduction, we still need some amount of lookahead. For a lookahead value
In sum
In bottom-up parsing, we scan the input from left-to-right, but we produce a rightmost derivation (in reverse), which means that we repeatedly apply production rules starting from the right side of the expression, until we get to the root (start) non-terminal. Under the hood, this is implemented by keeping a stack of symbols (either non-terminals or straight-up symbols) we’ve seen so far. Basically, when we get an input, we start pushing lexed symbols onto our stack, left-to-right. If we see a production rule that is just a terminal, we immediately reduce it there. This means that the top of our stack will the rightmost lexed symbol by the end. We then iteratively reduce, looking at the top of the stack (i.e., the right) and applying progressively more complex non-terminal rules. See the Stack Overflow page for an example. This is bottom-up parsing: we push all of our symbols to the stack, then apply production rules from the leaves up. These parser can accept some amount of lookahead: what
By contrast, in top-down parsing, we scan the input from left-to-right, but produce a leftmost derivation, iteratively expanding production rules until we find terminals that apply to the very start of the string, then chopping the start of that string off and continuing. This is top-down parsing: we eagerly expand production rules and chop off our input as soon as we find a production rule that applies. Like bottom-up parsers, these parsers require some amount of lookahead, to be able to predict what production rules to apply.
You can imagine bottom-up parsing as a foldr
and top-down parsing as a foldl
Tradeoffs between bottom-up and top-down
From the SO answer (replace “LL” with top-down and “LR” with bottom-up; we’ll explain those in a sec):
LL parsers tend to be easier to write by hand, but they are less powerful than LR parsers and accept a much smaller set of grammars than LR parsers do. LR parsers come in many flavors (LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), LR(1), IELR(1), GLR(0), etc.) and are far more powerful. They also tend to have much more complex and are almost always generated by tools like
Parsing algorithms
Recursive descent
Recursive-descent parsing is a form of top-down parsing. Here, we represent every nonterminal as a function. Each of these functions has the following structure:
'err: for each A-production: A -> X1 X2 ... Xk:
for each symbol Xi:
if Xi is nonterminal:
elif Xi == current symbol a:
advance to next symbol
backtrack input to before any of these nonterminals were applied
continue 'err
return err
Basically, each function is responsible for trying a production rule, checking if the terminals match, and calling other nonterminal functions. Notice how left-recursive rules will fuck this up: A
might just call A
over and over again!
Note that above, we implemented backtracking in our function. We can categorize parsers by whether or not they backtrack:
- Backtracking parsers backtrack. They may execute in exponential time.
- Predictive parsers don’t. They’re guaranteed to execute in linear time.
See Packrat parsing for a citation on the above.
In Prolog
See also
This section comes entirely from these CS 164 notes from Ras Bodik.
In Prolog, we might represent a recursive descent parser as follows. For every nonterminal
For example, for this grammar:
E = T | T + E
T = F | F * T
F = a
We can write the following:
e(In, Out) :- t(In, Out)
e(In, Out) :- t(In, [+|R]), e(R, Out).
% etc.
f([a|Out], Out).
The second line says that E
can be parsed with two nonterminal calls. In the first case, we check the relation t
with our full input, but have Cons '+' R
be the end part we want to ignore. In the very last rule for f
, we only accept if a
at the start versus
LL(1) parsing
See also
Dragon §4.4.3
For a specific class of grammars, we can automatically construct an efficient, predictive top-down parser. These grammars are called LL(1) grammars. Here, “LL(1)” stands for (l)eft-to-right input reading, (l)eftmost derivation construction, with (1) token of lookahead. A grammar
- If they both start with terminals, they can’t be the same.
- Only one of them can derive the empty string.
- If
, and are disjoint. The opposite is true if .
What are
and ? For any string of grammar symbols
, is the set of terminal symbols that all possible strings that can be derived from start with. For a nonterminal
, is the set of terminals that could follow in some derivation. That is, they appear in some derivation in the form: . Basically, the last rule prevents us from doing right recursion.
To parse this, we create a parsing table
- For each terminal
, add to . - If
, for each terminal in , add to . Additionally, if end of string is in , add to .
The parsing table has size
Here’s an example LL(1) parsing table:
CYK, Earley parsing
See also
This section comes entirely from these CS 164 notes from Ras Bodik. There’s also this extra resource on Earley parsing:
These are both “famous” parsing algorithms that can handle any context-free grammar!
CYK parsing
A CYK parser is a recursive-descent parser that can recognize any potential context-free grammar in
At a high level, a relation input[i:j]
inclusive, j
exclusive) can be derived from the nonterminal
Let’s start with a simple grammar:
E = a | E + E | E * E
We can express these rules with the following relation declarations:
e(I, I + 1) :- input[I] == 'a'.
e(I, J) :- e(I, K), input[K] == '+', e(K + 1, J).
e(I, J) :- e(I, K), input[K] == '*', e(K + 1, J).
To parse an expression a + a * a
, one possible semantics for this program is to evaluate this bottom-up:
e(0, 1) = e(2, 3) = e(4, 5) = true
by rule 1e(0, 3) = true
by rule 2e(2, 5) = true
by rule 3e(0, 5) = true
by rule 2/3
There’s more to say on Datalog semantics; there’ll be a note for that at some point.
Visualizing the parser in tabular form
This is where we get
The edges in CYK reduction correspond to the nodes in our parse tree.
- Edge
(where can either be a nonterminal or the production rule, if you wanna be disambiguous) corresponds to the root of the tree - Edges that caused insertion of
are children of .
When actually implementing this algorithm:
- Turn everything into Chomsky Normal Form to get to
time and space. - In CNF, all productions are either
, , or (only start can derive ).
- In CNF, all productions are either
- Use dynamic programming to fill 2D array with solutions to subproblems.
Earley parsers
See also
CYK parsers may build parse subtrees that aren’t part of the actual final parse tree! Some edges are extraneous.
An example of this
By contrast, Earley parsers have
The big idea here is that we go through our input left-to-right. At each point in between input tokens, we keep track of some state: specifically, the possible production rules we could be in the middle of right now. We keep track of these rules and where we are in those rules at each point.
As an example, let’s parse the expression
E = T + id | id
T = E
At the very start of the string, we might be about to process any of the nonterminals. We represent the current state of our parser with a dot
After going through one token, the state at that point might be as follows:
Basically, this means that after parsing an
cursor before index | state | explanation |
0 |
| |
| 1 |
| |
| 2 |
| At this index, the only possibility is that we're in the middle of the longer $E$ production rule, since that's the only one that recognizes a $+$. |
| 3 |
| We advance the dot from the above rule, getting us to the end of
| Again, here the only possibility is advancing after the $+$ in that rule. |
| 5 |
| Same as with 3
. |
By doing this, we’ve avoided creating extraneous edges. We didn’t recognize T
, and we didn’t parse the expression
Packrat parsing is a way to get linear time parsing of LL(
LR parsing
See also
Dragon §4.6
Covered by Earley parsing! In general, we do shift-reduce style.