See also
A lot of these are adapted from my old notes (ca. WI21) from Nadia’s CSE 291 class on Program Synthesis!
The three dimensions of synthesis
There are three dimensions along which synthesis strategies vary:
- Behavioral constraints: how do you tell the system what the program should do? i.e., specification
- Input lang/format?
- Interaction model? Maybe not one-shot?
- What happens when intent is ambiguous?
- e.g., input-output examples, equivalent program, formal spec (pre/post conditions, types), natural language
- Structural constraints: what is the space of programs to explore?
- Large enough to contain interesting programs, small enough to exclude garbage and enable efficient search
- Built-in or user defined?
- Can we extract domain knowledge from existing code?
- e.g., Sketch/Rosette
- Search strategy: how do we search through the search space?
- Synthesis is search: find program in space defined by structural constraints that satisfies behavioral constraints.
- But this space is massive!
- How do we find the program we want?
- How do we know it’s the program we want?
- How can we leverage the above constraints to do this?
- e.g.,
- Enumerative (explicit) search: enumerate things in increasingly bigger sizes
- Stochastic search
- Representation-based search: use data structure to represent large set of programs (e.g., VSAs, e-graphs)
- Constraint-based search: translate to constraints and use a solver (e.g., SMT, ILP)
Syntax-guided synthesis
If you have a grammar, synthesizer generates programs according to that grammar.
SyGuS is a format/competition that unifies different syntax-guided approaches. Common input format & supporting tools (e.g., CVC4, Z3, etc.). A SyGuS problem has three parts:
- A theory.
- A spec (logical formula) dictating what the synthesized function should do.
- A grammar.
To get from logical formula to input/output examples, we use counter-example guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). Give initial examples to synthesizer. Then use verification oracle to try to find a counter-example where it doesn’t follow spec. Use as new input/output pair.
With enumerative search, we enumerate every possible program. In bottom-up, we start from nullary productions and iteratively deepen our search. In top-down, we start with the starting nonterminal and expand with productions. Kind of like LR vs. LL!
There are ways of making this faster:
- Observational equivalence: if two programs return the same result for all in/out pairs, discard one.
- General, doesn’t require user input
- But is less effective with more examples, and requires you to get back discarded programs when adding new examples.
- User-specified equations: have user provide rewrites, discard programs where rewrites could apply (i.e., only accept normal form programs)
- Built-in equivalences: make it impossible to represent equivalent programs in the grammar. Cool if you can get it, but you can’t get it often.
Representation-based search
With representation-based search, we build a data structure that represents the “good” parts of the search space, then search in that data structure.
- Useful if you need to return multiple results/rank them, and you can preprocess search space and use for multiple queries.
- Tradeoff: harder to build representation, easier to search late
One example of this is a version space algebra (VSA). We build a data structure representing set of programs consistent with examples—a version space.
learn : <input, output> -> VS
- Given an example, yield a version space of programs consistent with that example
intersect : VS -> VS -> VS
- Args: all programs consistent with one example consistent with all programs consistent with another
- Returns: programs consistent with both
pick : VS -> program
- Pick a program in that version space
- DAG where each node represents a set of programs.
- Nodes are enum with three variants:
- Direct set: explicit set of progrmas
- Union node: set of programs of node is union of children
- Join node: applies some function/operation to all combinations of children
There’s more info in the 291 notes—I haven’t included them here since they’re not quite relevant for the Prelim.