This note collects a number of resources on continuations in general, as well as continuation-passing style (CPS). Note that these things aren’t quite the same!

  • Continuation-passing style is a representation of programs used by compilers for optimization purposes.
  • Continuations as a language feature is used as a way to allow users to implement control-flow features like exceptions and coroutines in user-space. It is an abstraction of these control flow features.

What is a continuation?

See also

A continuation represents “the rest of the program.” For instance, let’s say we have the following program:

if foo < 10 then 32 + 5 else 7 + bar

When we finish evaluating the expression foo < 10, we’ll use the result to switch on the conditional and evaluate either 32 + 5 or 7 + bar. We say that the continuation of foo < 10 is the rest of the computation that occurs after we evaluate this subexpression. In this case, the continuation is the computation that does the branching based on this expression, and computes the relevant math expression:

k = \cond. if cond then 32 + 5 else 7 + bar

and we can thus rewrite the expression as an application of the continuation to our expression:

let k y = if y then 32 + 5 else 7 + bar
	k (foo < 10)

One main benefit of this is making control flow explicit, by making continuations explicit!

Continuation-passing style as a compiler impl detail

Let’s say we have the following nested function calls:

id (((1 + 2) + 3) + 4)

We can convert this to make all continuations explicit, starting at the outermost evaluation context (the very last continuation) and working inwards:

id ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4           -- original
let k0 = \v. id v              -- the "rest of computation": calling id
in  k0 $ ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4
let k0 = \v. id v              -- next outer layer of evaluation
let k1 = \v. k0 (v + 4)    -- the "rest of computation": adding 4, then k0
in  k1 $ (1 + 2) + 3
let k0 = \v. id v              -- next outer layer of evaluation
let k1 = \v. k0 (v + 4)
let k2 = \v. k1 (v + 3)    -- etc.
in  k2 $ 1 + 2
let k0 = \v. id v
let k1 = \v. k0 (v + 4)
let k2 = \v. k1 (v + 3)
let k3 = \v. k2 (v + 2)
in  k3 1

This is continuation-passing style (CPS). Each continuation we define represents the rest of the computation at each point. When translating, we work from the outside in, starting from the minimal “rest of the computation” and using that to build up progressively more complex and computationally involved “rest of the computation”s that rely on the previous ones. We can flip this the other way around—going inside out—to get something very close to machine code:

let k4 = 1
let k3 = k4 + 2
let k2 = k3 + 3
let k1 = k2 + 4
	id k1

In continuation-passing style (CPS), all computations are expressed this way. So a computation that adds 4 to a value might be represented as:

add4 :: Int -> (Int -> a) -> a
add4 v = \k. k (v + 4)

This basically says: add4 is a function that takes a number v to add four to, and the continuation k of this add4 expression. It adds 4 to v, then calls the rest of the computation—the continuation k—on that result. In our example above, we didn’t parameterize our continuations on the continuation, instead just inlining that definition directly. Both can be considered in CPS form.

Why would we want to represent programs in this way?

  1. As mentioned above, it makes control explicit in functional programming
  2. We can use this as an IR for compilers
    1. The form is closer to machine code—explicit control and sequencing.
  3. There’s a clear correspondence between SSA and CPS.
    1. We can use the same algorithm for getting one to get the other!

Continuations as a control abstraction

See also

So, let’s switch gears and change from looking at continuations as a compiler implementation detail (i.e., an intermediate representation of programs to facilitate optimization), and instead look at continuations as a way to represent control flow features of a language, a conceptual tool that forms the theoretical underpinnings of disparate concepts like exceptions, generators, and coroutines.

A continuation represents the control state of a program. A continuation is a data structure that represents the computational process at a given point in its execution. The current continuation is the continuation derived from the current point in a program’s execution.

First-class continuations

Remember that a continuation with respect to a program point is just whatever the rest of the program is from that point onwards.

With first-class continuations, there is a language-level construct that represents “the rest of computation at this point.” In other words, continuations become things that are available and exposed to the programmer to manipulate and act on in the language. We say that first-class continuations reify program state—they make implicit program state visible.

As a consequence, this means that first-class continuations give us the ability to store, reference, and act on the execution state of the program from the language! With first-class continuations, we can jump back to that continuation: we can restore the execution state from that continuation’s perspective—whatever was “the rest of the program” at that point.

First-class continuations in practice: call/cc

See also

To get our feet wet, let’s look at the call-with-current-continuation operation in Scheme, call/cc, which implements first-class continuations. Remember the example from the very beginning:

(if (< foo 10) (+ 32 5) (+ 7 bar))

Remember that we said that the continuation of this expression with respect to (< foo 10) is the rest of the computation at this point, which takes the result of (< foo 10) as its argument:

(lambda (c) (if c (+ 32 5) (+ 7 bar)))

call/cc takes in one argument, a function f, and passes in the current continuation to f. So for example, if we were to do the following:

(if (call/cc f) (+ 32 5) (+ 7 bar))

…this would pass the continuation at that point into f, like so:

(f (lambda (c) (if c (+ 32 5) (+ 7 bar))))

However, please note those two expressions are not equivalent! (if (call/cc f) #t #f) is NOT the same as (f (lambda (c) (if c #t #f))). In particular, if and when the function f ever calls its argument continuation, control flow is immediately returned to that continuation at that point; in other words, calling the continuation replaces the existing continuation with that continuation and the argument that was passed into it. This means that whatever else happens in f after that continuation call is ignored. For example, let’s say f is defined as follows:

(define (f k)
  (k #t)

Manually passing in a continuation into f would just result in the expression returning 0, since that’s what f returns:

(f (lambda (c) (if c (+ 32 5) (+ 7 bar))))  ; => 0

However, when we do call/cc, when (k #t) is evaluated in f, we pretend as if the call/cc expression had returned #t. More precisely, we switch control flow back to the continuation with the argument #t, setting all execution state to where call/cc was called, and making it seem as if call/cc had returned #t (i.e., we completely forget that we were executing f, and so never return 0):

(if (call/cc f) (+ 32 5) (+ 7 bar))  ; => 37

So overall, call/cc takes a “snapshot” of the current control state of the program—reifying it as a lambda function representing the rest of this program, taking in the current expression as its argument—and applies f to this state. Then, when f calls its argument continuation k with argument x, we completely forget about our current execution state in f, and switch back to execution state when k was the continuation, assuming that x was the result of the current expression and passing that into k.

Note that the call to k doesn’t even have to be inside call/cc! Here’s an example of an infinite loop from here:

(let ((start #f))
  (if (not start)
      (call/cc (lambda (cc)
                 (set! start cc))))
  (display "Going to invoke (start)\n")

Saving and returning

See also

Because the argument call/cc passes to f isn’t just a regular degular function, but is a continuation—a snapshot of program execution state—we can save this continuation to other places and call to it repeatedly. Whenever we do this, we reset our program state to as it was in that continuation! For instance:

(define (print message)
    (display message)
(define (main args)
    (define count 0)
    (print (+ 100 (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
        (set! saved-continuation continuation)
        (continuation 100)
        (print "🙈")
    (if (< count 3) (begin
        (set! count (+ 1 count))
        (print "🚀")
        (saved-continuation count)

In call/cc, we save the continuation at that point (right before we return the argument to print) into a variable saved-continuation. Later on, whenever we call back to saved-continuation, we jump execution back to where we were when call/cc was called! It’s kind of like a goto, in that sense. Calling (call/cc f) passes the current continuation object—a goto to the current place in the program—into f.

Importantly, this means that continuation objects—the thing call/cc creates and passes into f—can be called at any point in the program, and will have the same effect at any point in the program—it switches program state back to where the continuation was created.

Coroutines with call/cc

See also

For more information on coroutines, see Coroutines in Lua!

So really, the effect of call/cc is just to reify a continuation at some point, and provide that to a function, which decides what to do with that continuation. Whenever a continuation is called anywhere in the program, execution state jumps back to that continuation. This means that within call/cc, we don’t even need to call the coroutine passed into call/cc—we can call whatever continuation we want, just as we can do anywhere else in the program!

We can use this to implement coroutines, a kind of async/await-style execution delegation. As Coroutines in Lua states, coroutines have two properties:

What the hell is a continuation

Coroutines are a kind of async/await-style execution delegation. Coroutines have two properties:

  1. Values of data local to a coroutine persist between successive calls
  2. The execution of a coroutine is suspended as control leaves it, only to carry on where it left off when control re-enters the coroutine at some later stage.

It’s useful for concurrent programming, simulation, text processing, AI (??), and other data structure manipulation.

Link to original

Basically, a coroutine is a temporarily suspendable function. We can yield control back to the function that called the coroutine, and resume the coroutine from where it left off later on. Here’s how we do this. Let’s define a generator function that takes an argument yield: a function that jumps back to whoever called this function:

(define (f yield)
    (print 2)
    (print 4)
    (print 6)

We can define a function make-coro, which takes functions like f as an argument. This function internally defines two functions: resume, called from the calling function, which creates a continuation in the calling function and jumps into the saved continuation in f, and yield, which creates a continuation in the called coroutine and jumps into the saved continuation for the calling function:

(define (make-generator callback)
    (define (yield)
        (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
            (set! yield-point continuation)
            (jump-out #f)
    (define (resume)
        (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
            (set! jump-out continuation)
            (yield-point #f)
    (define yield-point #f)
    (set! yield-point (lambda (_)
        (callback yield)
        (jump-out #f)

Then, usage of this construct is as follows:

(define (main args)
    (print 1)
    (define resume (make-generator f))
    (print 3)
    (print 5)
    (print 7)

What are the drawbacks?


Offering call/cc as a core control feature in terms of which all other control facilities should be implemented turns out a bad idea. Performance, memory and resource leaks, ease of implementation, ease of use, ease of reasoning all argue against call/cc.

What else can you do with this?

See also

Turns out, a ton of different language features that involve jumping execution around can be implemented with call/cc (i.e., first-class continuations)!


Delimited continuations

See also

Delimited continuations are to continuations what hygienic macros are to macros, kind of. Where continuations are very powerful, they can also come with some drawbacks, as we elaborate above.

A delimited continuation is a “slice” of a continuation frame that has been reified into a function. Basically, instead of reifying “the rest of the program” as a continuation, we reify “a portion of the rest of the program” as a continuation, where we get to choose what that part is. Additionally, in this world, continuations now return values, meaning they can be reused and composed.

What does that mean? Well, let’s look at an example. Just as call/cc is one particular implementation of continuations in Scheme, shift/reset is one particular implementation of delimited continuations! Here’s an example:

(* 2 (reset (+ 1 (shift k (k 5)))))

We have two new operations. (shift k BODY) reifies a continuation at some point in the program, binding the continuation to k and making it usable in BODY. reset delimits the boundaries of what reified continuations can reference; it defines the end of “the rest of the program.” Thus, the “rest of the program” that the continuation k represents is (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)).

Additionally, unlike in call/cc, where calling the continuation results in special behavior that performs a kind of goto, here, k is just a regular degular function representing the delimited continuation at that point, and returning the value of the delimited continuation when passed in some value. So k is literally equivalent to (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)).

The special sauce here is in reset and shift. Whatever value returned by BODY in (shift k BODY) will be the value that replaces the reset expression. Then, execution continues normally from there.

But what if we have multiple calls to shift?

    (shift k (cons 1 (k (void))))
    (shift k (cons 2 (k (void))))

In the first shift, the continuation is (begin * (shift ... ) null). In the second shift, the continuation is (begin * null). Thus, in the second continuation, we would return (cons 2 null), meaning from the first, we’d return (cons 1 (cons 2 null))! It’s yield!

You can also use this for try/catch. See this gist for details.