
For more on model checking, see https://ptolemy.berkeley.edu/projects/chess/eecs149/lectures/Reachability.pdf Maybe look at this at some point and take more detailed notes if you want to dive more into model checking!

  • Temporal logic model checking: express specs for finite-state concurrent systems in temporal logic, with circuit/protocol as state-transition system.
    • : true in the present if is always true.

Binary decision diagrams

Ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) represent boolean formulas.

We can start with binary decision trees:

To make this way more compact, we can turn this into a binary decision diagram: a DAG basically!

We can also use this to represent relations. The function is set membership.

Kripke structure

Explanation of Kripke structures as detailed here:

Background on model checking

See also

Model checking is the process of checking if a state machine abstract model of a system abides by certain correctness properties. These properties could include “don’t crash” or “don’t double-lock” (i.e., concurrency-related correctness).

To express this in mathematical logic, we use a temporal logic. The temporal is what clues us into the fact that this logic can handle transitions of a state machine over time. Under this temporal logic, the term for state machines is Kripke structures: a structure with different states, transitions between states, and predicates that hold at specific states. We say that a property holds for a Kripke structure and a path through that structure (a set of states we go through) with the following relation:

Notation similarity with axiomatic semantics

Compare this notation with the notation for axiomatic semantics, where for a given program state and a formula , if holds under , then we can say:

In general, means that under model or assumption , holds.

Link to original

For a Kripke structure , where is set of states, is transition relation, and is analysis, we can build a lattice of predicates where each predicate is represented as set of states where it’s true, and ordering is set inclusion.

Any is called a predicate transformer.

Computation tree logics

In computation tree logics, we have a number of quantifiers:

  • Branching operators: (all computation paths), (for some computation paths)
  • Linear time operators: (“always”), (“sometimes”), (“nexttime”), (“until”)

There are state formulas and path formulas.




Lots of stuff I’ve skipped over here

Symbolic model checking

We can describe a symbolic model checking algorithm for CTL that takes in CTL formula and returns OBDD corresponding to states of system that satisfy formula.


And lots of stuff I haven’t finished taking notes on